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NOVEMBER 2, 2016
downturn and all these things coming
down at the same time people are very,
very worried.”
In respects to how that will coincide
with the Federal Carbon Tax, the pro-
vincial carbon tax is coming in a year
early and is going to be more aggressive
in relation to the amount of money it
takes from Albertans. “It’s also going to
take $3 billion a year out of the economy
which does not go back into any kind of
revenue neutral situation, and I feel it is
just a tax grab for the province and the
Federal Carbon Tax is starting anyways
so why start up this bureaucracy at a
time when we clearly do not need an
extra bureaucracy,” Jean continued.
In respects to possible solutions Brian
Jean proposed a back tracking on the
provincial carbon tax. “We also need to
challenge the Federal one. Subsequent
to that we should try to mitigate the
effect of the carbon tax through per-
sonal income tax deductions and prop-
erty income tax reductions and making
sure that the people who can’t afford the
additional punishment of the carbon tax
don’t actually get hit with it, because it
will hurt them. Under the federal scheme
by 2021-22 it’s going to have a significant
outtake on the money of Albertans. This
means they’ll have less to decide what to
spend on their own priorities and that’s
a very dangerous thing.”
With farming being so prominent in
the surrounding area Brian Jean has
been aware of their plight of harvest
not being done yet. “I talked to some
folks around the
Three Hills area
and in the north
Prairie and most
of the farmers
have left at least a
quarter of their
crop on the field
and people are
very concerned
about that, espe-
cially because we
had a good har-
vest and it looked
like it was going to
be record break-
ing in some areas,”
Jean commented.
“Hopefully with
return on harvest
for each property
I think we’ll have
to wait and see
what takes place. I
thinkmany people
though are going
to have to leave a
lot on the fields.”
CONTINUED from front page
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